Back in action with a fresh perspective!

Hello, dear friends!

After a year of silence on social media, I am bursting with excitement to announce my comeback. It's been a period of intense work, planning, and reorganizing, and now I am ready to share again my passion for architecture with all of you once again. Join me on this exhilarating journey as we embark on a visual exploration of captivating buildings, innovative designs, and a renewed energy for capturing the essence of architectural projects.

  1. A fresh perspective: During my time away, I took the opportunity to recharge and gain a fresh perspective on my love for architecture. I immersed myself in studying the works of renowned architects, attending design conferences, and engaging in lively discussions with fellow enthusiasts. This period of reflection has fueled my creativity and allowed me to refine my artistic vision.

  2. Capturing architectural projects: Armed with my trusty camera, I am excited to capture and share the architectural projects that have always fascinated me. From towering skyscrapers to quaint historical buildings, each structure has a story to tell. Through my lens, I will strive to capture not just the physical beauty, but also the emotions and narratives embedded within these architectural buildings.

  3. Unveiling new services: Along with my comeback, I am thrilled to announce the launch of new services that will enhance your architectural experience. It is not only for architecs, now I have expanded to the world of exhibition and real state, with new tools als VR, virtual tours, rendering, video, etc. I aim to provide a more immersive and informative journey into the world of design and architecture. All about the different ways to visualize and communicate architecture.

  4. Investing in new equipment: As part of my commitment to delivering the highest quality content, I have invested in better equipment that will elevate the visual experience of the architecture images. With advanced cameras, lenses, drone and a powerful PC with new editing tools, I can capture the finest details, vibrant colors, and dynamic perspectives of different projects. This investment ensures that you will enjoy breathtaking visuals and an immersive experience that truly drages you in it.

As I make my comeback to social media, I invite you all to join me on this exciting visual journey. Let's embark on a thrilling adventure of architecture visualization and capture the magic of design through my photography. I hope you get inspired, amazed, and transported into living this projects!

Feel free to reach out anytime. Thank you very much for reading and until the next blog!


My equipment for architectural photography and 3D visualization.


Drachenburg Castle