Haus der Geschichte - House of History

Bonn, Germany


 The House of the History of the Federal Republic of Germany is a museum of contemporary history in Bonn, Germany; with around one million visitors every year, it is one of the most popular German museums.

In its permanent exhibition presents German history from 1945 until the present. The permanent exhibition in the Haus der Geschichte chronicles the recent history of Germany from the end of World War II until the present day. The exhibition follows a chronological timeline and covers subjects affecting the period before and after German reunification.


The building was designed by the architects Ingeborg and Hartmut Rüdiger from Braunschweig.

The concept was to organize an exhibition landscape following the chronological exhibition under an overall transparent roof construction. In addition to the fluid spatial context and the various perspectives, the defining feature is the route. The exhibition rooms will have the character of a clear and bright exhibition landscape, with all the conservation requirements.

Some of the special details are, the curved panoramic video will be the center of the lobby, the ramps guiding the route, the use of windows and rooftop and the concrete and steel materials.


I hope you liked it as much as I did, and if you have the opportunity, don't miss out on visiting it.

 Thanks for reading and until the next blog.


Drachenburg Castle


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