¿What is your motive?

When I ask you what the motive is to do what you do, is it easy to answer or you have to think and rethink for a moment. Don’t worry about the answer just yet, I’m here to explain the meaning of those two, an either way it is a big realization.

 There is a reason you start what you do, why did you start your project, your business, your goals, and it was easy to answer shows that you have a very clear path to your goal, at least you have a constant remember of the main reason you do things.

 If you have to think through it and you are not sure, it is ok not to have it clear at the moment, but certainly is good to be reminded of it time to time.



When you start losing that motive things tend to get difficult, but when you remain your self of the reason and its important, you don’t lose track. Remain yourself of the motive, this why is what motivates your actions to achieve your goal, step by step without losing your focus point.

Whatever the why is, take the time to define it, get rid of the doubt so you can have a clear vision ahead for finally keep moving forward. This doesn’t mean necessarily you can not change, and this will be the rest of your life. It is a good thing if this motive changes and evolves, it means your purpose and you are evolving too.



Sometimes is ok to take the time to re define this motive. Taking the time to reevaluate and assess what you are doing, if this motive is still moving you, if it is still the main reason you do things.

If not, take the time needed to define it again, because moving without a direction doesn’t get us to the point we would like to be, plus you will be spending so much time an energy in something that maybe it was not what you wanted and perhaps start considering doing something else towards other goal.


Defining with words your motive will not let you forget, it will inspire to continue, and it will tell you if something feels out of track, and the most important, it is a light when your self-doubt and on thoughts start attacking. If what you want doesn’t align with your efforts, most probably is going nowhere.

Now tell me, what is your motive? 

I hope you find this blog useful. Feel free to reach me anytime.

Until the next blog.



Haus der Geschichte - House of History

